Transportation to the Hospital for Treatments

Brief Description:

In an effort to make families facing childhood cancer more comfortable, we work

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with our partners in Israel to provide free transportation to and from the hospital for the children’s treatment to those who need it.

The Need:

As the costs of cancer treatments are a great financial burden, many families do not have the funds to own or fuel a car, adding a major roadblock

in helping their children receive the life-saving treatment they desperately need.

The Program:

We aim to make life as comfortable as possible for children with cancer and their families. As many families cannot afford to own, maintain, and fuel a car, we provide free transportation for them to travel to and from the hospital for treatment. As a result, children can receive their treatment on time, and parents have one less matter to add to their stress load.

Our ability to provide this critical aid

Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio

Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio

is made possible through the generosity of people like you.

We hope that you’ll join our community and help support Israeli families who are fighting for their child’s life.

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