Our partner, Larger Than Life Israel has been mobilizing their efforts to assist families of children with cancer who were evacuated from the southern areas, most having survived the atrocities of October 7th, and others whose parents were called up for reservist duty and not available to help their sick child with access to their medical treatments.
During these extraordinary days of traumatic events and war in Israel, our dedicated Larger Than Life partner and their team members have been on hand from the beginning . They located 68 families of sick children who are currently in active treatment from the southern kibbutzim, cities and settlements. They have been working tirelessly to source out alternative residences for these children and their families so as to ensure their safety.
These families are in a state of unimaginable distress after being left without homes or resources and now must deal with trauma and emotional difficulties in addition to the already huge challenge involved in dealing with childhood cancer.
In these families, the war is twofold – they are now fighting for the life of the sick child and also for their home. Some of them faced unimaginable horrors and our Larger Than Life partner has been there for them, taking care of them with housing, medicine, transportation for treatments, emotional support, food vouchers and financial assistance.
Your help in greatly needed to support the following on the ground vital initiatives to assist these children with cancer and their families:
$250—-Transportation to cancer treatments for a child and a family member
$400—-Initial emergency assistance for a family
$550—-Monthly cost for assistance with medical needs
$750—-Five mental health family therapy sessions
Since our founding in 2016, Larger Than Life Canada has worked with our partner organization in Israel Gdolim M’Hachaim, (Larger Than Life) to improve the lives and welfare of children afflicted with cancer and providing support for their families. We are proud to work with our partner to support children of all backgrounds, faiths, and cultures across Israel. We support work in all hospitals across Israel and in the homes of sick children form the Negev to the Galilee.
Larger Than Life Canada’s partner in Israel, Gdolim M’Hachaim, (Larger Than Life), annually assists approximately 1,500 children with cancer, some terribly ill and all fighting for their lives. Their dedicated team and volunteers accompany the children and their families from the initial diagnosis to recovery. Families are assisted by the funding of life-saving treatments, expensive DNA testing and drugs, and offered activities and respite programs for these sick children and their families. These children have the opportunity to attend “The Kindergarten of Dreams” – a completely sterile pre school educational and rehabilitative program in Tel Aviv, Be’er Sheva and soon in Jerusalem (2024).
The programs and support that the children and families have access to depend on the generosity of people like you.
A charitable tax receipt will be issued for each donation – Registration Number: 75733 1921 RR 0001